Classification and Prediction of Land Cover Changes in the Commune of Ninhue (interior dry land), Province of Ñuble, VIII Region.


  • JUAN RAMÍREZ Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias


Land cover changes, land cover prediction, drylands


Vegetation classification and and cover prediction from Ninhue County obtained through satellite image interpretation are shown in this article. Three SPOT-XS images from the years 1988, 1995 and 2000 were used to classify and cover. Tree planting presented the greatest changes over the study period, which increased in a 166%. On the other hand, prairies experienced a negative change by decreasing in a 41%. Land cover prediction was obtained through the use o Markov's chains. In general, those and cover with higher presence of biomass (i.e. native orest and tree planting) will increase their presence, and those with ower biomass (i.e. prairies and espinos) will have the tendency to decrease.



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How to Cite

RAMÍREZ, J. (2021). Classification and Prediction of Land Cover Changes in the Commune of Ninhue (interior dry land), Province of Ñuble, VIII Region. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (29), 95–105. Retrieved from


