The Evolution of Fertility in the World (1970-2000)


  • PAUL GANGS Universidad de Mannheimm


fertility, social change, vegetative growth


The evolution of fertility in the world during the last third of the XX Century is analysed in continental and regional scales. The purpose is to establish the relationship between this evolution and the social and economica situation o the countries. It is concluded that independent y of the decrease that is observed about ertility since the beginning o the 70s in the world, the causes that exp ain this behavior are diverse according to developed countries and in developing countries.



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Author Biography

PAUL GANGS, Universidad de Mannheimm

Profesor de Geografía, Universidad de Mannheimm


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How to Cite

GANGS, P. (2021). The Evolution of Fertility in the World (1970-2000). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (29), 7–20. Retrieved from


