Estimación de evapotranspiración potencial, ETP, a partir de imágenes NOAAAVHRR en la VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins
potential evapotranspiration, remote sensing, spatial interpolationAbstract
Using regression analysis between potential evapotranspiration values, ETP, obtained with Penman´s empirical method (1948) in 26 meteorological observatories, and remote sensing derived data from NOAA AVHRR images essentially surface temperature and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)models for estimating ETP in VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O´Higgins are generated for the period between september 1998 and december 2000. These models were satisfactorily evaluated in the meteorological observatories used. According these results, the utility of remote sensing in determination of ETP at regional scale is confirmed.