Conflict, territory and extractivism in Chile

Contributions and limits of recent academic production


  • Antoine Maillet INAP - Universidad de Chile
  • Mathilde Allain Instituto de altos estudios de América latina (IHEAL), Centro de investigación y de documentación sobre las Américas (CREDA), Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle. Investigadora COES
  • Gonzalo Delamaza CEDER Universidad de Los Lagos. Investigador COES
  • Felipe Irarrázaval Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Ricardo Rivas CEDER Universidad de Los Lagos. Investigador COES
  • Caroline Stamm Instituto de Estudios Urbanos y Territoriales, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Investigadora COES
  • Karin Viveros Magíster en Ciencia Política, Universidad de Chile



conflicts, territory, extractivism, scales, Chile


This article analyzes the academic production that addresses the concepts of conflict, territory and extractivism in Chile. The analysis of 32 articles published in indexed journals between 2015 and 2020 accounts for a significant concern for this issue. We characterize this stage in this body of work in relation to its treatment of the different concepts, as well as the methods used, the actors studied, and the scales considered. This academic production appears marked by a routinization, both regarding the conceptual deployment and in the predominance of case studies. In order to maintain the dynamism of this field, we invite to take into consideration the theoretical depth of each concept, diversify the methods and broaden the objects of research.


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How to Cite

Maillet, A., Allain, M., Delamaza, G., Irarrázaval, F., Rivas, R., Stamm, C., & Viveros, K. (2021). Conflict, territory and extractivism in Chile: Contributions and limits of recent academic production. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (80), 59–80.




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