Evaluation of the compressive strength of a reinforced concrete structure using different SonReb estimation methods


  • A. Oroza Department of Diagnosis and Survey. Company restores
  • R. Cuetara Department of Diagnosis and Survey. company restores
  • R. Gonzalez Department of Diagnosis and Survey. company restores




Rebound Hammer, Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity, SonReb, Concrete, Compressive strength


This document discusses the results obtained in the estimation of compression strength through the readings of the rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity on 9 columns of reinforced concrete. The estimation was performed by applying different SonReb models. The objective of the study is to evaluate which of the applied models is more consistent with the compression resistance value of 27.0 MPa obtained by press-breaking assay, for concretes manufactured with Ordinary Portland Cements P-35 (Type I) of domestic production and aggregates from Cuban quarries. The results obtained showed that the models proposed by RILEM and Tanigawa et al. were closest to the reference value with percentage difference below 4%. This research will allow the performance of non-destructive tests with more accurate results, in the restoration processes of the Historic Center of Havana, Cuba.


Author Biography

R. Cuetara, Department of Diagnosis and Survey. company restores

Studied at the Technological University of Havana (CUJAE) in July 2016. I started as Specialist "A" in October 2017 in the Department of Diagnosis and Survey of the Company of Architecture and Urbanism Projects (RESTAURA) of the Office of the Historian of the city of Havana until May 2018.




How to Cite

Oroza, A. ., Cuetara, R. ., & Gonzalez, R. . (2022). Evaluation of the compressive strength of a reinforced concrete structure using different SonReb estimation methods. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 37(2), 260–271. https://doi.org/10.7764/RIC.00031.21


