Analysis of the reinforcement of a steel structure with concentric diagonals. manta uvc case


  • Julia Pilatasig University of the Armed Forces ESPE
  • Roberto Aguiar Secular Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí
  • Brian Cagua University of the Armed Forces ESPE
  • Oscar Andachi University of the Armed Forces ESPE
  • Pablo Ceron University of the Armed Forces ESPE



Design by capacity, Structural reinforcement, Concentric bracing, CEINCI-LAB


The Pedernales earthquake in 2016 affected several structures, an example is the UVC in the city of Manta, in which a post-earthquake reinforcement with inverted V-shaped diagonals was performed. This paper presents an analysis of the structure without reinforcement and with longitudinal reinforcement, using functions of the CEINCI-LAB Computational System to determine displacements, drifts, and floor shear, in a seismic analysis with the spectral and static equivalent modal method using the spectrum of Manta 2016. In addition, the demand is determined according to the NEC-15 load combinations, using the live, dead and earthquake load states; for the verification of the axial capacity of columns, the effect of the earthquake is used, considering the over-resistance. After that, a design by capacity is carried out in the structure without reinforcement, based on the capacity of the beams, and in the case of reinforcement, an analysis is carried out based on the capacity of the diagonals. It is observed that both the original structure and the reinforcement do not comply with the earthquake resistant philosophy, and it is likely that an earthquake will be affected in a future.


Author Biography

Brian Cagua, University of the Armed Forces ESPE

Civil Engineer with mention in Structures. Master in Operations Management and Industrial Safety, MDO. Graduated from the Master of Science in Civil Engineering with a Mention in Structures




How to Cite

Pilatasig, J. ., Aguiar, R. ., Cagua, B. ., Andachi, O. ., & Ceron, P. . (2021). Analysis of the reinforcement of a steel structure with concentric diagonals. manta uvc case. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 36(3), 294–310.



Case Studies