Compressive strength of concrete made with electric arc furnace slag and recycled ground glass as replacement of coarse and fine aggregate
EAFS, compression strength, concrete, recycling glass, rigid pavementAbstract
Concrete is one of the most studied industrial products with the aim of improving its durability, strength, and workability, as well as developing innovative alternatives in its production to reduce the environmental footprint (Rivera, 2013). This research validates the use of industrial waste generated in the department of Boyacá - Colombia, within the production of concrete for the construction of rigid pavements. The research followed several stages, beginning with the physical, chemical, and mechanical characterization of the materials and the design of the standard mixture following the ACI 211 methodology. Subsequently, the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the gravel was replaced by electric arc furnace slag (EAFS), and 20, 30 and 40% of the sand by the recycled ground glass (RGG). Finally, the compressive strength of the concrete mixtures was analyzed.Downloads
How to Cite
Pérez Rojas, Y. A. ., & Vera López, E. . (2021). Compressive strength of concrete made with electric arc furnace slag and recycled ground glass as replacement of coarse and fine aggregate. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 36(3), 342–360.
Original Research