Experimental Evaluation of Square Ferrocement Panels using Polypropylene Wire Mesh


  • N. Khurram University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)
  • U. Akmal University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)
  • M. Raza University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)
  • A. Hameed University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)
  • M. Irfan ul Hassan University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)




Polypropylene wire mesh,, ferrocement panel, punching shear strength, bending strength


Ferrocement panels are thin section comprised of hydraulic mortar reinforced with steel wire mesh, and are susceptible to micro cracks at service conditions. The moisture and rainwater may infiltrate through these cracks and cause the reduction in capacity due to the corrosion of steel wire mesh.  In the present study, a polypropylene (PP) wire mesh has been used to overcome this problem. The main objective of the study is to investigate the punching shear and bending capacity of the ferrocement panels using PP wire mesh. Experimental tests conducted on 32 simply supported square slabs panels of 450x450 mm subjected to concentrated load for punching shear and four-point loading to investigate the bending capacity. The test variables were the number PP layers (volume fraction ratio) and slab thickness i.e., 20, 30 and 40 mm. Test results showed that punching capacity improved by increasing both the number of PP layers and panel thickness. However, bending strength the function of tension membrane action provided by exterior PP layers. Moreover, panels with 20 mm thickness are to flimsy and do not show sufficient capacity. In general, PP wire mesh provide adequate resistance against punching and bending for slab thickness 30mm and 40mm, and can be used as replacement of conventional steel wire mesh


Author Biographies

N. Khurram, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore – Lahore,



U. Akmal, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

M. Raza, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

A. Hameed, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore



M. Irfan ul Hassan, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Pakistán)

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore




How to Cite

Khurram, N. ., Akmal, U. ., Raza, M. ., Hameed, A. ., & Irfan ul Hassan, M. . (2020). Experimental Evaluation of Square Ferrocement Panels using Polypropylene Wire Mesh . Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 35(3), 336–345. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50732020000300336



Original Research