Practicability in the manufacture of non-structural bricks, from the recycling of cigarette butts


  • K. Corredor Universidad INCCA de Colombia
  • Á. Guzmán Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
  • N. Torres Universidad Nacional de Colombia



Cigarette butts, clay bricks, physical properties, mechanical properties, energy saved


Cigarette butts are one of the most common waste worldwide. The toxic and non-biodegradable components make cigarette butts a hazardous waste and one of the causes of pollution. This paper presents some of the results of a study on the re-cycling cigarette butts in the manufacture of clay bricks. Four mixtures were made, these include a control clay brick, with a clay content of 100% (LADRICOL 0%) and three additional mixtures incorporating cigarette butts in different percentages by weight (LADRICOL 2.5%, LADRICOL 5.0% and LADRICOL 7.5%). The mixtures were fired at different temperatures and these were tested to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the bricks. The results showed that the samples incorporating 2.5% cigarette butts content and fired at 850 °C are in compliance with the standard normative for this type of product (NTC 4205-2). Furthermore, this brick can improve the environmental quality and can reduce energy consumption during firing, by 19.75%


Author Biographies

K. Corredor, Universidad INCCA de Colombia

Universidad INCCA de Colombia


Estudiante de Maestría en Ingenieria Industrial, Ingeniería Industrial

Á. Guzmán, Universidad del Valle (Colombia)

Universidad del Valle



Profesor Auxiliar, Facultad de Ingeniería

N. Torres, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Profesor Asociado, Ingeniería Civil



How to Cite

Corredor, K. ., Guzmán, Á. ., & Torres, N. . (2020). Practicability in the manufacture of non-structural bricks, from the recycling of cigarette butts. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 35(3), 232–245.



Original Research