Advanced techniques in building pathology diagnosis: “El Templete” of Old Habana


  • Fernando Sánchez García Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (Cuba)
  • José Armando Chávez Hernández Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (Cuba)
  • Jorge Luis Broche Lorenzo Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (Cuba)
  • Carlos A. Recarey Morfa Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (Cuba)
  • Miguel Angel Maestre Mesa Empresa Nacional de Investigaciones Aplicadas (ENIA). Ministerio de la Construcción (MICONS). (Cuba)
  • Noel Pérez Martínez Empresa Nacional de Investigaciones Aplicadas (ENIA). Ministerio de la Construcción (MICONS). Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echavarría”. La Habana. (Cuba)



Advanced Techniques, Diagnosis, Instrumentation, Modelling, Patrimonial Buildings


Exactly in the same place where the Villa of San Cristóbal of Havana was founded, a monument that look like a small temple from Ancient Greece rises: The Templete. This important building of the city has been suffering unusual structural lesions for a construction with those characteristics: small, robust construction, suitable materials, proper execution, and therefore an excellent structural stability. Several interventions have failed to prevent reappearance of structural lesions, that is why it became necessary a more complex study and the use of more advanced techniques, which allow to get to know the true causes of the damage. This paper outlines the procedure to be followed to arrive at a diagnosis on a scientific basis, which is the main support for the proposed intervention and recovery project of the property.




How to Cite

Sánchez García, F., Chávez Hernández, J. A., Broche Lorenzo, J. L., Recarey Morfa, C. A., Maestre Mesa, M. A., & Pérez Martínez, N. (2012). Advanced techniques in building pathology diagnosis: “El Templete” of Old Habana. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 27(2), 19–33.



Original Research