Study of two volcanic materials and the grinding effect on the reactivity of these materials


  • Diana M. Burgos Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
  • Luisa M. Cardona Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
  • Silvio Delvasto Universidad del Valle (Colombia)



Natural pozzolans, volcanic materials, pozzolanic activity, grinding effect


This study presents the results of characterization and evaluation of pozzolanic activity of two Colombian volcanic materials from different sources (Puracé volcano and the snowy of Tolima). These materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscope, X-ray fluorescence, X-ray powder diffraction, thermal analysis, and petrographic study, among others. The ability of volcanic materials as pozzolans and the grinding effect were evaluated by pozzolanic activity index, Frattini´s test and calorimetry test. The results of this research showed that the Puracé volcanic material has physical and chemical characteristics to be considered as natural pozzolan; while the Tolima volcanic material does not react chemically, but this material generates an increase in the mortars strength due to the filler effect. On the other hand, there are not differences of the grinding process on the reactivity of the volcanic materials.


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Author Biography

Diana M. Burgos, Universidad del Valle (Colombia)

Ingeniera, Grupo de Materiales Compuestos (GMC), Universidad del Valle - Cali, Colombia.




How to Cite

Burgos, D. M., Cardona, L. M., & Delvasto, S. (2014). Study of two volcanic materials and the grinding effect on the reactivity of these materials. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 29(2), 159–174.



Original Research