Criteria for steel structures reinforcement: Restoration of the “Círculo de Bellas Artes” building and the Cultural Center “Casa Encendida”


  • Antonio Aznar Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)
  • Jesús Hierro Universidad Europea de Madrid (España)
  • José I. Hernando Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)
  • Juan F. De la Torre Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)
  • Jesús Ortiz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)



Diagnosis, restoration, steel structures, concrete-steel composite beam, architectural heritage


This paper introduces the fundamental criteria for the diagnosis and restoration of steel structures. The adaptation of buildings for new uses not considered in their origins and the increasing interest in the correct conservation of the Architectural Heritage, have promoted the update of the traditional techniques typically applied in restoration of historical constructions. Among a large number of possibilities, the present work is focused on the advantages of restoration by means of turning steel structures into concrete-steel composite structures. This technique provides a large array of advantages: mechanical behavior of concrete-steel composite beams, low cost of repair and improvement of several factors, such as soundproofing and thermal insulation. Furthermore, this paper includes the repair procedure for two emblematic buildings of the Architectural Heritage in Madrid: the “Circulo de Bellas Artes” and “La Casa Encendida”.


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Author Biography

Antonio Aznar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España)

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Dpto. Estructuras de Edificación. E.T.S. Arquitectura de Madrid. 




How to Cite

Aznar, A., Hierro, J., Hernando, J. I., De la Torre, J. F., & Ortiz, J. (2014). Criteria for steel structures reinforcement: Restoration of the “Círculo de Bellas Artes” building and the Cultural Center “Casa Encendida”. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 29(2), 133–149.



Original Research