Weaving Reflexivity in Decolonization Paths and Knowledge in Design

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Marysol Ortega Pallanez


This article explores the transformative potential of multiple, more complex decolonial paths in design practice. Through a recap of persistent tendencies in design discourse, such as universalization, rooted within coloniality and a European/Western dominant design paradigm, I advocate for a nuanced understanding of commonality and difference in our designing. Bringing the focus to praxis, I draw from examples in my design practice and pedagogy, highlighting the significance of personal reflexivity in challenging conventional design ideals and a mostly singular design history, while underscoring the importance of incorporating personal history, the history of the place, and its conditions to weave decolonial paths toward conviviality and the sustainment of life.


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How to Cite
Ortega Pallanez, M. (2024). Weaving Reflexivity in Decolonization Paths and Knowledge in Design. Diseña, (25), Article.2. https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.25.Article.2
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biography

Marysol Ortega Pallanez, Arizona State University

Assistant Professor in The Design School at Arizona State University. PhD in Design from Carnegie Mellon University. She earned a Master’s degree in Graphic Design from North Carolina State University after graduating with a BFA in Graphic Design from Universidad Del Valle de Mexico. Her work focuses on design practices that care for relations and address today's multiple social-ecological crises. Some of her latest publications include ‘Transition Design in Latin America: Enabling Collective Learning and Change’ (co-authored with S. Juri, C. Zurbriggen, and S. Bosch Gómez; Frontiers in Sociology, Vol. 6); ‘Healing our Designing: Practices of Care for Human and More-than-Human Relations’ (DRS2024); and ‘Convergiendo abordajes al Diseño para las Transiciones: Reflexiones sobre conceptos, prácticas e implicancias en contextos latinoamericanos’ (with S. Juri and S. Bosch Gómez; Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseño y Comunicación, Issue 222).


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