The Potentials of Google Vision API-based Networks to Study Natively Digital Images

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Janna Joceli Omena
Pilipets Elena
Beatrice Gobbo
Chao Jason


In this article, we present the potentials of Google Vision API-based networks for studying online images, covering three important modalities as part of a critical visual methodology: the content of the image itself, its specific ‘audiencing’ through web references (or image metadata), and the sites of image circulation. First, we conceptually and technically define different networks built upon computer vision features: image-label, image-web entities, and image-domain. Second, we present a research protocol diagram that illustrates how to build networks of images and respective descriptions or sites of circulation. Third, we discuss the potentialities of computer vision networks as a research device, stressing their data-relational (trans)formations and interpretative specifics. Three different case studies will be introduced as examples. In conclusion, we argue that such a visual methodology requires critical technical practices accounting for the multiple layers of technical mediation involved.


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How to Cite
Omena, J. J., Elena , P., Gobbo, B. ., & Jason , C. (2021). The Potentials of Google Vision API-based Networks to Study Natively Digital Images. Diseña, (19), Article.1.
Original Articles (part 1)
Author Biographies

Janna Joceli Omena, Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS)

Master in Contemporary Culture and New Technologies, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Research fellow at the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS). She is a member of iNOVA Media Lab and the Public Data Lab. Her research focuses on digital methods, digital network studies, and technicity-of-the-mediums in support of social and medium research. She is the editor of Métodos Digitais: Teoria-Prática-Crítica (ICNOVA, 2019) and the coordinator of the SMART Data Sprint. Some of her latest publications are: ‘Digital Methods for Hashtag Engagement Research’ (with E.T. Rabello and A.G. Mintz; Social Media + Society, Vol. 6, Issue 3) and ‘Call into the Platform!’ (with A. Granado; Icono14, Vol. 18, Issue 1).

Pilipets Elena , Universität Klagenfurt, Department of Media and Communications

Doctor in Media Studies, Universität Klagenfurt. Postdoc researcher at the Depart­ment of Media and Communications, Universität Klagenfurt, and SMART (Social Media Research Techniques) researcher with iNOVA Media Lab, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Her teaching and research interests are related to media cultural studies, internet research, and digital methods. She is the current holder of the 2020 Carinthian Award for Young Social Sciences and Humanities Scholars. Her recent publications include ‘Nipples, Memes, and Algorithmic Failure: NSFW Critique of Tumblr Censorship’ (with S. Paasonen; New Media & Society, 1st Publ., 2020) and ‘Digitale Medien und Methoden. Über den methodischen Umgang mit visuellen Pla­ttforminhalten und Internet-Memes’ (Open-Media- Studies-Blog der Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft).

Beatrice Gobbo, Politecnico di Milano, DensityDesign Lab

Master in Communication Design, Politecnico di Milano. Ph.D. student in Design at Politecnico di Milano. She is a member of the Density­Design Lab, a research group focused on information visualization and information design. Her current research is focused on the role of communication design and information visualization in the field of explainable artificial intelligence. Some of her recent publications include ‘Research Protocol Diagrams as Didactic Tools to Act Critically in Dataset Design Pro­cesses’ (with M. Mauri, M. A. Briones, and G. Colom­bo; in INTED2020 Proceedings) and ‘Explaining AI through Critical Reflection Artifacts. On the Role of Communication Design within XAI’ (in T. Reis, M.X. Bornschlegl, M. Angelini, and M.L. Hemmje, Eds.; Advanced Visual Interfaces. Supporting Artificial Inte­lligence and Big Data Applications; Springer, 2020).

Chao Jason , Universität Siegen, Collaborative Research Centre "Media of Cooperation"

Master in Big Data and Digital Futu­res, University of Warwick. Master in Human Rights Law, University of London. He is a researcher and PhD candidate at the Universität Siegen. His current research is focused on the development of digital methods tools for the study of sensor media. He has backgrounds in software development and human rights advocacy. Some research software recently developed by him include: AppTraffic, to study the network traffic of mobile applications; and Offline Image Query and Extraction Tool (with J. J. Omena).


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